When you first install Onyx you will be asked to create an online user account. You'll then receive a trial licence allowing you to test Onyx for 2 weeks, after that, you can either purchase via PayPal or Bank Transfer or you can simply uninstall Onyx.
Whilst creating your online account, you'll need to enter your garage details (these are used to create your licence so must be correct) so that your printouts have your business name and VAT number etc.
Garage Details Screen
Most details are obvious but the few that may need explaining are:
Logo : This is displayed at the top of many printouts. It should be a bitmap or Jpeg image and should be approx 250 * 100 pixels.
Other details: Again, in many printouts the name of the Garage/Business is displayed along with a brief description of what you specialise in. Enter such as Mots, Car Sales, Welding, MBRA etc.
Footer Message: Onyx will add a default footer to the bottom of most printouts (usually in the format of Business Name VAT No) but there may be occasions where you need to have your own footer, for example you are required by law to display your company registration number if you are a limited company, so you may enter whatever text you want here and it will replace the default footer on all customer printouts. If your text is very long you may need to reduce the font size of the text to make it all fit.
Invoice Message: At the bottom of the standard invoice there is a small section to allow you to advertise any special offers that you may have. This advert is taken from this text.
Payment Methods: On invoice template number 5, there is a box near the bottom of the template that will print whatever you have entered here, for example you can enter your bank details if you accept BACS payments, again, if your text is very long you may need to reduce the font size.
Sage Compatibility Mode: If you plan to export data to Sage Accounts™ then you should enable this feature, it will ensure that account names are compatible as well as limiting the length of part numbers.
Once you have entered your details press ‘Save.’
Onyx will now contact the online licence server where it will create a new account and obtain your trial licence.
If you already have a retail licence, then Onyx will retrieve that instead of your trial licence.
Finally, you can check that you have the correct licence by typing About in the
If successful it will show the registered name, if not it will show ‘Trial’.
All that remains is to review the ‘Options’ screen by typing Options in the
You can also view application options from the application button
You will then see the 'Options' screen
Many of the options have additional information available in the form of 'Tool Tips' and can be seen by hovering the mouse pointer over a particular option, those choices that might need more explanation are:
Print Preview – If ticked Onyx will display a preview of invoice prints before printing them, note, this setting is only used when creating invoices and estimates, it is not used when you view saved invoices. You can also select the default printer here.
Show Dialog - Onyx used if set not to show a print preview. If selected Onyx will still show the print dialog allowing the selection of printer and copies etc.
Remember last printer used - If you have a number of different printers and would like Onyx to use a particular one for a particular printout, then enable this option and Onyx will try to print to the appropriate printer.
Remember Copies - If ticked Onyx will remember the number of copies that were requested and apply that figure when it next prints out that particular printout
Add Custom Job Cards - Allows you to add new job cards to Onyx so that you can select them while in the job diary, see here
Enable Diary – Enables/Disables the diary (more later in this section)
Enable Invoice Edit (see Editing Invoices)
Tabbed Windows – If set allows you to work on multiple invoices and invoices at the same time. It also allows you to do other work within Onyx whilst you are in the middle of creating an invoice. This is particularly useful if you are working on an extremely big invoice and another customer calls in to make a payment, with this option you would simply minimize the invoice to the taskbar, process the payment and then return to the invoice.
Machine ID – If you are using Onyx in a multi user environment (i.e. you have networked Onyx) then please set each machine to a different number. If you do not do this Onyx will not be able to do an accurate daily payment report as it will not know which payment was taken at which machine.
Open Cash Drawer – If you have a cash drawer connected to your PC (or printer) that you would like Onyx to open after you receive a payment, please tick this box
Drawer Port – Please enter the port that the drawer is connected to
Drawer Command – Please enter the command that Onyx should send to the drawer (found in supplier’s literature)
Please refer to the Diary settings for details of how the diary settings work.
Please note, the other tabs (Print Template Settings etc) will be explained in later sections of this manual.
If Onyx detects that it is not ‘Client Master’ (doesn’t see the server running on the same PC) it will inform you that it cannot find the server and display a small server location dialog.