Note, this feature is not available in the Web Interface or Onyx Mobile
If you sell kits (for example service kits or overhaul kits) that you make up yourself but would like Onyx to only print one line on the printed invoice then you can add the template as a 'Header'. When selecting the template, Onyx monitors the VAT level of each part and if they are all the same (i.e. they are all vatable parts etc) then Onyx will ask if you wish to add the items under a header. On screen the parts will be shown still (although they do look slightly different) so that you can still change certain properties of the components (such as price). Once items are added under a header you can only change the VAT and discount for all items in the kit globally, you can not do it individually.
Note how the header item (Service Kit) is shown in bold with a dark background and all the components of that kit are shown underneath and indented (here there are three items (well 6 because there are 4 spark plugs), under then kit we have three standard items. If you edit the header you will see the following screen:
Here you can change the Template Part Number (printed on the invoice) and also the discount, description and VAT.
If you select a component of the kit you will see the following screen:
Here you can change the individual properties of the item.
And here is the resulting printout: