Once an invoice is created you can immediately make a payment against it before it is printed. If however you want to print the invoice and accept payment later (or even part payment) Onyx can accommodate this.
To add or delete a payment to an invoice you need to get to the ‘Invoice List’ screen. You do this by clicking the ‘View / Pay Invoices’ link on the ‘Invoices / Estimates’ task tab (see Navigation around Onyx). You will then see the following screen:
Invoice List Screen
On the toolbar you will see several buttons, one of which is labelled ‘Make Payment.’ You will see that the selected invoice has an outstanding balance of £7.05 and we want to make a payment of £5 against that invoice. Pressing the ‘Make Payment’ button brings up the following screen:
You will see that the date, type, amount and a short area for comments that are saved with each payment. For our payment we would select (for example) ‘Cash’, £5. Once we press ‘Ok’ the outstanding balance is updated in the list screen.
We can also view and delete existing payments by selecting the invoice and then pressing the ‘View Payments’ button which shows the following screen:
Payment List Screen
Here we can see a summary of payments made against the selected invoice. If we want to delete the payment we simply select it and press the ‘Delete’ button, after confirming that we want to delete it, the screen is updated as is the ‘Outstanding Balance’ of the invoice. If you want to review the payment, simply press ‘View’ and you will see the actual details of the payment where you can see the cheque number etc.
If you have a large invoice that the customer is paying over several weeks then you can optionally print out a payment summary using the print button on the payments screen.