Onyx now incorporates a stock monitoring system that works in a fashion similar to Stock Control. Whether you decide to use it or not is entirely up to you. The main factor when adding stock monitoring was that it was not to complicate the system for those that did not need to monitor stock, but to provide useful features that are easy to use for those that do. In fact, if you don’t need to monitor stock, then you can use Onyx without even knowing it’s there.
The main features of the monitoring system are:
Stock Manager – Easily add parts to the monitoring system
All of the stock monitoring features are available from the ‘Stock’ tab on the main screen:
To start we need to open the ‘Stock Manager’ by clicking on the appropriate menu (highlighted above). If this is the first time that the Stock Manager has been used then you will be asked to enter a supplier:
Once this is done we will see the stock manager screen:
Here we can see the parts that have been added to the monitoring system. By double clicking on a part we can see and update the relevant part details.
The relevant details are
Supplier’s Part Number – use if the suppliers part number is different to yours
Unit Cost – Cost to you excluding VAT
Unit Retail – RRP excluding VAT
Current Stock Level – The number of items you currently have in stock
Reorder Level – Once this number is reached the item will be marked as needing to be reordered
Max Stock – When creating a stock requisition Onyx needs to know how many of these items you like to keep in stock, it calculates the new order like this : MaxStock – CurStock = StockNeeded
Alarm Level – The minimum amount of this item you can have in stock before an alarm is triggered
Restockable – Onyx will automatically restock items if you cancel or refund an invoice. However, there are some parts that cannot be restocked (oil filters for example).
Supplier – Select (or add) the supplier of this part
Location – Where the item is stored
Nominal Code – The accounting code used for the sale of this item
Department – The default department that this item is sold by
There are two options for adding a part to the stock monitoring system; New Stocked Part, New From Existing.
‘New From Existing’ allows you to select from the parts that are already in your parts inventory, whereas ‘New Stocked Part’ allows you to add a completely new item both to the inventory and to the stock monitoring system.
“Delete’ will remove the selected part from the monitoring system; it does not delete the part from the inventory.
‘Refresh’ will refresh the parts list.
‘Print Stock Requisition’ will allow you to preview (and optionally print) a stock requisition summary.
‘Alarms’ will display the stock alarm list (see below)
‘Create PO’ will create a purchase order for the currently selected supplier (Onyx uses the currently selected part to establish the selected supplier). Onyx uses the current stock levels to create the purchase order and you are able to edit the amounts before accepting and printing it.